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La preuve des contraires
Caitlin Wahrer
- Sonatine
- 9782383991120
Vous avez aimé Gone Girl ? Big Little Lies ? Vous allez adorer La Preuve des contraires.Octobre 2015. Le téléphone sonne chez Julia et Tony Hall, qui vivent une existence paisible dans leur grande maison du Maine. Tony répond puis se rue au chevet de son frère, Nick. Celui-ci vient d'être admis aux urgences après avoir été violemment agressé la veille par un inconnu rencontré dans un bar. Le monde de Tony s'effondre. Et plus encore lorsque l'inspecteur Rice, chargé de l'enquête, commence à douter du témoignage de Nick. Si Tony est prêt à tout pour sauver son frère, Julia, elle, est prête à tout pour sauver son mari à la dérive.
Février 2019. Le téléphone sonne à nouveau chez les Hall. Au bout du fil, l'inspecteur Rice, à qui Julia n'a pas parlé depuis des années. À la retraite, malade, celui-ci demande à la voir. Il a des révélations à lui faire sur cette affaire qui n'a cessé de l'obséder, des révélations qui vont remettre en question toutes les apparences.
Mensonges, crimes, obsessions : ne vous fiez pas surtout pas au visage paisible des banlieues américaines.30 prêts
2190 jours
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LCPA Crucial Impetus
Carlo Purassanta
- Cherche Midi
- 9782749176819
Innovation is essential to shape a desirable world. Everything is still possible. It's up to us to determine our future.
The fourth industrial revolution, based on data and algorithms, seems dominated by the American and Chinese tech giants. What about Europe ? Shall we finally realized that we also have exceptional strenghts to be put to good use ?
Carlo Purassanta, former president of Microsoft France, demonstrates that this isn't a utopia. If he ardently defends an ambitious industrial renewal, it is because he has glimpsed its beginnings. The reservoirs of discruptive creativity, singular talents and entrepreneurial daring exist in Europe. We must release and aggregate new energies, deepen our digital culture and show more conviction and courage so that we can better master responsible growth.
Digital innovation is already at the heart of our environment. The idea for us is not to be under its sway, but on the contrary to choose a digital that serves the community and business. In this work, the author lays out the different paths to build a world in which technology benefits our civilization and our planet. A plea for a " crucial impetus " to be urgently made, that will permit us to seize the future and be its actors.30 prêts
2190 jours
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LCPThe last love of Edith Piaf
Christie Laume
- L'Archipel
- 9782809835137
At the age of 26, Théophanis Lamboukas meets Edith Piaf, in January 1962. He is to become her second husband and the duo will perform her last big hit, 'A quoi ça sert l'amour?'When the star's secretary, Claude Figus, introduces them to each other, Théo is so dazzled by 'the Little Sparrow' that he is speechless with emotion. Smitten, Edith confides to Figus, 'I want to see your friend again so I can find out whether he's as smart as he is good-looking, because he hasn't said a word all evening.'They are driven to see each other again and Piaf encourages Théo to take up a career as a singer. She invents his stage name, Sarapo ('I love you' in Greek). They form a couple in life and on the stage, until Piaf's death on the 10th October, 1963. Théo, her last love, joins her seven years later, victim of a car accident.Their wonderful and tragic story is evoked here by Christie Laume; the singer's last months as they've never been revealed before.
30 prêts
2190 jours
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LCPTerror over the Vatican
Jean-louis Baroux
- L'Archipel
- 9782809835120
Who could have guessed that Lucius Altreis, in his personal vendetta against the pope, would enlist neo-Nazis searching for $3 billion of Heinrich Himmler's gold submerged in an Austrian lake ? Who could have imagined his crusade would lead him to kidnap top airline executives gathered in Cannes, France ? Is hostility between two of these world-leading execs on the verge of sparking catastrophe ?
Altreis capitalizes on the rivalries and decadence of airline leaders to level an unprecedented threat against the Holy City.
As an air transportation insider, author Jean-Louis Baroux pulls back the curtain on industry policy-making and internal debate. He vividly depicts the agonizing terror of major airline CEOs trapped on a plane headed straight for the dome of Saint Peter's.
From the ruins of Berlin to Vatican treasures, with stops in Patagonia and Cannes' luxury hotels, this unrelenting thriller is a high-stakes game dealing in power and money.30 prêts
2190 jours
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LCPEnergy 3.0
Rudy Provoost
- Cherche Midi
- 9782749145761
Buildings that produce their own energy and respond to our everyday needs; simple management tools that improve the comfort of our homes making them more economical and connecting them to the world; safer, smarter and more sustainable towns and cities that provide greater mobility, improve communication and make life easier for everyone. These are just a few examples of the energy transformation that is underway. The energy world has entered a new chapter in its history, a digital age that will impact our lives as much as the advent of electricity did at the end of the 19th century, bringing with it a groundbreaking wave of innovations that blur the lines between the energy and the digital space. Across the urban and built environment, new technologies are already advancing the convergence of different economic models with the energy system and infrastructure. This will fundamentally change the energy landscape and give each one of us access to tailor-made energy solutions adapted to our needs and means. This book Energy 3.0 discusses how these changes will continue to evolve and stimulate growth. It also investi- gates the new tools and services that will be made available to everyone and how the entire energy sector, as we know it, is going to reinvent itself, spurring job creation and the emergence of new energy professions.
30 prêts
2190 jours
10 Prêt(s) simultané(s)
LCPHydrogen is the new oil ; how 7 energy battles are giving birth to a carbon-free world
Thierry Lepercq
- Cherche Midi
- 9782749170862
There will be no energy transition from fossil fuels to renewable energies, but a clean break, a Big Bang!
Clean, almost infinite, universally available energy from the sun, wind and water? And easy to transport over long distances and to store for months? And so cheap that it could match the price of an oil barrel as early as 2020?
In barely a decade, 7 global energy battles have shaped up: shale oil and gas and the reversal of peak oil, super competitive solar and wind power, cheap batteries and the electrification of transport, the digitalization of power grids, the descent of energy companies into stranded assets, the geopolitical emergence of China and, most important of all, spiraling climate change.
These battles are now converging into a historic convulsion, abruptly opening the gates of renewable hydrogen and sealing the inexorable decline of the world of fossil fuels. The time has come for a new, zero-carbon energy world order!30 prêts
2190 jours
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LCPFighting lady
Guyomarch Isabelle
- Cherche Midi
- 9782749170749
Overcoming the taboos around women's cancersThis book is the testimony of a committed woman, who bares her soul to lift the taboos weighing upon women's femininity, sexuality, and professional life, when they are affected in their own esh by illness.
In August 2013, Isabelle Guyomarch is the head of a ou- rishing industrial cosmetic group, employing 250 people, 80% of whom are women. She is the mother of two grown-up girls and has been passionately in love for 10 years with her second husband.
Suddenly she is diagnosed with aggressive stage-3 breast cancer. This means surgery, chemotherapy, and radio therapy. Her intense life and successful career come to a brutal standstill.
While struggling to survive, she decides to create an innovative cosmetic brand meant especially for women suffering from cancer. Five years after nishing treatment, Isabelle Guyomarch is still in remission. The author does not presume to teach any lessons. She shares her story to shed light on the experiences of others and liberate speech from the taboos surrounding women's cancers.30 prêts
2190 jours
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LCPHydrogene, le nouveau petrole (version espagnole)
Lepercq Thierry
- Cherche Midi
- 9782749170947
¿Una energía limpia, casi in nita, universalmente disponible, fácil de almacenar y de transportar, procedente del sol, del viento y del agua, al mismo precio que el barril de petróleo a partir de 2020?
En apenas una década, se han librado las siete batallas planetarias de la energía: el petróleo de lutita y la inversión del pico de petróleo, la energía solar y la eólica a precios competitivos, las baterías y la electri cación, la digitalización de las redes, los activos varados de las compañías energéticas, la emergencia geopolítica de China y, sobre todo, el cambio climático.
Estas batallas convergen hoy en una convulsión histórica que abre bruscamente las puertas a un nuevo mundo de la energía, el del hidrógeno y sella el declive inexorable del viejo mundo, el de los combustibles fósiles. ¡Demos paso a un nuevo orden energético mundial descarbonizado!30 prêts
2190 jours
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LCPMaking the new
Erik Orsenna, Stéphane Quéré
- Cherche Midi
- 9782749170718
From new apps on our cellphone to car-sharing, from the invasion of drones to the reorganization of production lines, from tweets to digital tablets and procreation methods, from genetic manipulations to nanotechnologies, innovation is everywhere.
It has penetrated and turned upside-down all the economic, social, cultural and political sectors.
Nothing escapes it. Nothing can survive without it. Permanent innovation, that headlong search for the new, is the originality of our period.
What world are we living in?
How can we find our way in a profusion like this?
How can we evaluate the meaning and usefulness of this general and growing agitation of our societies?
What universe is being prepared?
For three years, at regular morning sessions, we invited the most diverse personalities: heads of major groups and startup creators, scientists and philosophers, elected officials and physicians, foreign and French experts in many fields. They tackled every subject: the energy and digital transitions, the biological revolution, green mobility, new towns, those consumers who have become actors.
Everything moves! Montaigne was right: "Our world eternally turns around.'
Here is a modest contribution to the portrait of our modernity.30 prêts
2190 jours
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LCPPlastic Bashing : Fake News ?
Joseph Tayefeh
- Cherche Midi
- 9782749183404
The negative press and political opposition to plastic hide
a complex reality. When criticism is left unchallenged, our
right to open debate is frustrated.
What is the real situation with plastic? Is it truly public
enemy number 1?
Without dodging the core issues, this book provides scientific
and technological points of reference. It advocates for
an approach that is coherently aligned with international
initiatives and calls for reindustrialisation in France.
Sorting, collecting, composting, recycling, and reusing-
more realistic, environmentally-friendly, and economically-
viable solut ions exist, providing an
alternative path to the dead end created by French legislation.
This book calls for carefully-considered awareness,
because before we condemn or defend, it is crucial that
we understand.30 prêts
2190 jours
10 Prêt(s) simultané(s)
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